Friday, April 12, 2019


This Lent I have been reading David Cole's "Celtic Lent: 40 days of Devotions to Easter."  Celtic spirituality with it's full and wholistic understanding of God, Christ and Holy Spirit speaks to my soul deeply.  This weeks devotions were focused on the act of communion as it was practiced in early days of Celtic Christianity and as described in the Stowe Missal. As we enter into Holy Week moving from Palm Sunday, to Maundy Thursday, to Good Friday to Easter I found my thoughts centering in on Communion and all that it is and it could be.  So I leave you with this reflection of my soul as perhaps an entry point for you into the coming Holy Week and all the experiences that accompany it.


You say, "This is my body broken for you."
You say, "This is my blood shed for you."

With this symbolic meal
You invite me to
take You intimately, wholistically into myself.

Yet I am hesitant to share in this
as fully as You invite me to.
I only take a nibble - Bread.
I only take a sip - Wine.

I want to eat my fill of
Your grace, Your mercy - Bread.
I want to be sated with
Your salvation - Wine.

Yet I am reserved,
fearful of what others may think,
uncertain of how it may change me
If I were to

Rip off a chunk - Bread.
Drink a mouthful - Wine.
Savor Your sacrifice for ME.

May THIS meal be different.
May THIS time be Communion.
May THIS time be the time I
take my fill and savor
ALL that my Savior has done for me.