Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Writing to pause the soul

         I find the contemplative practices like labyrinth walking, meditation, contemplative written reflection, to be helpful to me in keeping centered and my soul in balance. It is in this time of contemplation that I am able to stop long enough to hear my what my soul needs to say. It is a time that I have come to need to keep myself filled and ready for my more difficult days in ministry as a chaplain.
         Because of my contemplative nature some of my writing takes on more of that kind of focus. It is more of the internal, musing type. It is never very polished and is more reflective of my deep thoughts in that moment. I never quite know when these will rise up from my soul. It is an exciting adventure waiting to see what my soul will find itself writing.
         I leave you with several of my written contemplations. Take a moment to quiet your soul, breath deep and open your heart and soul to wherever these poems/prayers may take you.

                       Dirty, Tired Feet

Dirty, tired feet - the sign of a trail well done.
In life the trail moves ever forward.

Ever changing to reflect the landscape 
of the people encountering it.
My choice is in how I walk the trail.

Do I choose to complain of my weariness?
No, instead I choose to rest, to take Sabbath.

I choose to open my eyes to more than just the trail, but to the people along it.
Those that can help me, those that need my help.

I choose to encounter God in every person and part of the trail.
In choosing God as my trail-mate I also choose the experience of the soul.

When one engages the trail in this way the landscape of the soul cannot help but be changed.
Be made more beautiful.

Dirty, tired feet - the sign of a life's journey fully engaged and well lived.

                   The Sanctuary of my Heart
What is the sanctuary I am creating in my heart?
Is my heart closed off or do I choose welcome?
Is it a place of anger or do I choose forgiveness? 

Is it a place of illness or do I choose wholeness? 

Is it a place of fear or do I choose courage?

Is it a place of hatred or do I choose peace? 

The sanctuary I choose for my heart is a place of welcome, forgiveness, wholeness, courage and peace. 

It is a place where I will choose to create intentional sacredness.

It is a place where I will seek to reach out from and choose to help create a world that all seeking refuge from injustice, pain and suffering can make their home.

            A Prayer for the new day

The sun shines the blessing of a new day.
The day is fresh with the possibility of new beginnings.
Lord open my eyes to the possibility of new beginnings around me so that I may be the instrument of encouraging blessing.
God open my heart to the new beginnings you have started in me.
Create in me a new blessing. Amen.


               Senses of Stillness 
When was the last time you sat in stillness?
The kind of stillness that quiets mind, body and soul.
To turn off the noise of life and embrace all the senses of stillness.
To fully notice the feeling of the wind as it blows in a storm, cool and crisp on the face. 

To smell the coming of a cleansing storm on the wind. 

To hear the song of the night with the cicada's call and tinkling wind chimes. 

To see the trees dance in a graceful embrace of the arms of the wind. 

To feel smooth yet rough wood of a deck under bare feet. 

To taste and savor each and every sip of warm, fresh tea. 

To have the fullness of the Spirit wrap around you and cleanse you of the day so that you may slip into the sleep of the night whole and new once more.

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