Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Is that you?

Today's post is simply some poetry I wrote.  It comes from my bereaved momma's heart as I continue to do this journey as a momma to one on earth and one in heaven. My prayer is that it may provide healing to you if you share this type of journey, provide insight if you accompany someone in this journey or simply bless you in some way.


What was that?
A shadow catches my eye.
Then it's gone again just as quick.

Was that you?
That child sized shadow,
the one that just blinked through the darkness.

This is not the first time I've seen your shadow.
Do you come because you miss me?
Or are you checking in, making sure Mommy's ok.

I've never believed in ghosts.
And angels have never been physical beings in my personal belief.
So that child sized shadow, it puzzles my soul.

Yet I always feel at peace,
When in the stillness of the night,
It flitters through the corner of my sight.

The only explanation I can come to,
is that it is you, my precious little baby.
The one I only knew in utero.
The one I never got to see.

That shadow is it you?
You coming back so that I can "see" you?
It is the only explanation that this Mommy's heart can give.

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