Thursday, September 1, 2016

Common Rebirth

This spring we planted a butterfly garden.  It was actually our daughter’s idea and she did all the research and planning to make sure we had the correct plants for our climate as well as the types of plants that would attract the types of butterflies she wanted.  She researched nectar plant for the butterflies and what plants would be needed to feed the caterpillars. This is her garden and rightfully so with all the work she has put into it.

She and I watched the garden all summer, anxiously anticipating the first sign of caterpillars.  All spring and summer we saw nothing, she would ask over and over when is my garden going to attract butterflies? Knowing very little about butterflies and their habits in coming to newly planted butterfly gardens, I did not have a good answer other than I don’t know we just have to keep watching.

Then the first part of the week, after an incredibly stressful and topsy-turvy weekend, I went out to the garden just to see if there were any caterpillars.  I was surprised to find our dill plants practically overflowing with caterpillars. With much excitement I called out my daughter to come see and her excitement was overflowing.

I have found myself reflecting on the arrival of these creatures right at the end of summer as we move into fall and a time of nature preparing to go dormant. When I think of caterpillars I think of butterflies and the rebirth that the caterpillar goes through to become a butterfly. 

As a Christian I equate the idea of rebirth with the season of Easter.  Having the beginning of rebirth stare me in the face in the middle of the common time of the liturgical calendar has caused me to pause. It has helped me to see that the possibility and process of rebirth is always there, no matter the season.  Just as the possibility of caterpillars and butterflies was there from the moment we planted the garden, we just had to be patient enough to wait for them.

I am also starting to realize that these moments of rebirth in the common seasons of our lives are not always large or earthshattering.  I am coming to recognize my current season of rebirth happening as I live into my commitment to creating Sabbath moments in every day of my life. 

Being mom of a child with multiple activities has me on the go.  Work as a chaplain can be intense and spirit draining, lay leadership at church comes with responsibilities of its own.  I enter into all these roles of my life willingly and with joy, but I am learning I have to take time for myself, for my relationship with God and my own souls rest.  I would love to have a day every week where I have no work to do, where I can dedicate the full day to soul rest.  In this season of life, it’s not always possible so I am learning to create Sabbath every day, the cell phone gets turned to silent by 8pm usually, I am learning to unplug from the world for a little bit each day.

It is with these small Sabbaths that I find my soul awakening to new understandings about myself. It is these small daily rebirths that build upon each other in the common time of life, creating newness or perhaps better yet a renewed self that shows up at an unexpected time, but yet just at the right time.  Just like our caterpillars, showing up right when we needed something to be excited about.

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