Thursday, September 29, 2016

Holy Blessings

Sunday as I sat in worship and allowed myself a moment to step back and observe from the eyes of my soul, I was blessed to be witness to what was a moving moment of seeing God at work. In that moment as my ears heard the words being spoken during the sermon, my memory recalling the conversation of formation time just before and  my heart remembering the words of prayer I had just finished, I found myself witness to the Spirit working to weave together many different parts, prepared separately and without consult yet thematically similar. I heard the lessons of welcome, notice of all children of God and forgiveness weave into a beautiful tapestry that engulfed my spirit.

With these things on my heart I looked over to the gentleman who runs the projection. The picture that awaited me there was that of him sitting there with one of our younger ones sitting on his lap. They are not related and before that moment had not had much one on one interaction. Yet in that space of spirit weaving there they were, he being blessed by the experience of having a little one to sit on his lap once again, the child being blessed by his quietly explaining what he was doing at the computer and answering her questions about what was being said in the sermon. There were even moments where he let her press the right button to put the next picture on the screen. One more thread in the holy tapestry being woven that day.

I still sit in holy wonder as I reflect on the events of Sunday morning. I find myself singing praise and thanks for this group of people who gather and call themselves church. I find myself blessed to the core of my being to witness the Spirit at work in a place that gives it room to move and blow and flow. To know that the love and blessing extended to that little one in that moment is extended to every little one and big one who are part of this gathering we call Journey Community Church.

There are really no more words to write other than to count myself honored to have been witness to countless acts of blessing that happened and to hope that I have this week passed on the blessing that was bestowed on me.

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