Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lent Week 1: Prepare

This past week my creative Lenten journey had me contemplating the word prepare.  Much of my thoughts centered around the process of preparing my soul and also that of the process and preparation in being a guide to my daughter in her first exploration of a set time of contemplation. Part of the journey is for me to embrace the raw result of initial creative flow, perfect result or not.  Journey with me now through the raw, unpolished words of my heart and pictures of my eye.

I prepare to set aside this time,
This time of planting seeds of quiet in my soul.

I prepare to be a partner with my daughter,
Showing her how to set aside time.
Showing her how to plant her own seeds of transformation.

Together we plant seeds of hope,
In preparation for the days to come.

We start with the black of ashes.
Preparing to move each day closer
To the creative color of the new life of Easter.

Unseen planted in my heart,
Just like seeds planted in the spring soil.

I may have an idea of what will burst forth,
But really it is not until the blooms/fruit emerges
That one sees the full beauty.

Right now my soul is being prepared,
Turned into a nourishing ground for
The seeds of transformation to be planted by God.

It is still early,

The tools being gathered and prepared.

Come back next week for the creative journey with the word Hunger.

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