Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lent Week 2: Hunger

So I must admit I struggled with this weeks creative lent practice. The word was hunger and the creative words just would not come. The more I tried to force some creative words from my brain and heart the more they would not come and the more I hungered for something creative. I found it a bit ironic, but then again one of the questions was what was I hungering for. Perhaps my struggle answered the question for me. I finally found a creative release on Saturday when I took the following staged picture. Even setting it up was a creative outlet that fed my hunger for creativity.

As I planned and staged the picture I found my thoughts centering in living in a culture of plenty (at least of stuff) and how there are other things that we might hunger for and is our fascination with stuff really just trying to ineffectively feed these hungers, almost like trying to feed a physical hunger with plastic food. 

What thoughts does this picture hold for you?

This week I am supposed to be journeying with the words fasting and penitence. But it’s been a hard week with death, difficult ministry and deep continuing education reading. My soul is tired and overworked and feeling a bit selfish in the fact that facing and living with these words was more than I could handle. A good friend suggested it might be time for a spiritual time out from the deep, intense place I’ve been residing. She is right, so this week I am joining my daughter in some simple coloring mediation. I’ll share with you what this break in the journey produced.

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