Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Change Happens

You may have noticed that chaplainhood has been a bit quiet lately. This is not as much out of neglect as it is out of the simple fact that life has changed some and we needed some time to step back and reflect on these changes. We originally started chaplainhood as a shared venture into the world of blogging. We did it together because it seemed less intimidating to jump in together. At the time it made since because our ministry paths were very similar in the world of chaplaincy. Life since then has taken some interesting turns and we now find ourselves in different places in ministry. Our time writing here at chaplainhood has helped us to find our respective voices and while they complement each other they are also very different now.

One thing we have learned in this endeavor is that a healthy partnership is willing to embrace change. We are now choosing to embrace the need for change by spreading our wings and venturing forth into separate blogs. Our partnership is not dissolving, but rather expanding as we continue to support each other through guest blogging on and linking to each other’s blogs.

 I will continue to blog here at chaplainhood, reflecting on themes of a pastoral care and chaplaincy nature, family life and the spiritual insights gained from these roles. Along side this familiar content, chaplainhood will also be a gathering place for my more contemplative writing and sharing of my love for my work with labyrinths. For now it is my hope that I will have something up every two to three weeks with additional nuggets of poetry and liturgy as inspiration strikes. The next months will be a time of me making chaplainhood more reflective of my contemplative and reflective nature not only in writing but also in the look of the blog.

I'm very excited about this new adventure and continuing to develop my voice as a blogger! While a part of me will always have a chaplain perspective, I'm also at a place where I'm refining my pastoral identity--as a pastor and writer. My new blog will share some of those thoughts as well as continuing themes of family life and commentary on what's happening in the world in general, and, of course, an occasional post about my love (close obsession) with coffee. Check out my inaugural post at my new address

We are excited about the opportunities that this will provide for us as well as the room this gives us to continue to grow and develop as individual writers. Thank you for journeying with us on this first part of the journey. We hope that you will continue to journey with us both at chaplainhood and brewed faith.

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